For the 24
th we took
Wendee and Dad to the cabin with us! My aunt Pam and Pat were also there... we had
soooo... much fun! This is the group feeding the fish at Big Springs. We have the secret on what they like to eat!

Luke got worn out every day, but this is just day one!

We took a ride down the river! Tim, and
Wendee's first trip in the
canoes, so we did boys boat, girls boat! The girls boat was rather wet by the time we got to Max, but we got the boys plenty wet too! Wyatt just got Grandma
Wendee wet!

We saw 3 moose on the way down the river, 2 cows, and a baby! They were beautiful!

This is the river group... Tim had some friends go with us that were up there for the day!

Wyatt and his friend while waiting to get picked up! So much fun!

This is the first animal we saw in the park other than the eagle, he was king of the road!

We went and had a picnic at Dun Raven Pass, and then headed to
Mammoth, but on the way over we saw 2 Grizzlies, and a black bear with her 2 cubs! All the pictures are on the
video camera of those! This is at
Mammoth, the elk enjoying the sun, and green grass!
While in Mammoth we got ice cream, and this is Wyatt and Luke being silly boys while eating it!Thanks for a great trip Dad and Wendee, you gave us great luck!