Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Caming/Hunting trip...

In the middle of August we go on the bow hunt with Tim's Mom, Dave, Matt and Shantel. We always go to the same place in the Uintas! This year in snowed and rained the first weekend, and then got hot the next week!
This is Wyatt and Luke taking a rest from their long walk around Mirror lake with Dad!We went up the Tuesday before to set up our tent and reserve our spot, and Wyatt caught his first fish that night! He and Dad were very proud!
Luke thought it was fun to stand under the water running off the trailer after the snow melted so quickly! They sure got wet that day, luckily it was only warmer after that!
Wyatt wore himself out every day, and he got to take his special nap on Grandma and Grandpa's bed!
Luke watching us play horse shoes... I though I figured out how to play finally this year, but Tim was the master winning every match!
Pretty day, cute boys!
Luke has found his sense of humor, and is a little jokester!!

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