Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The rest of the summer...

This is mostly random pictures of the rest of our summer... there are a few... not to mention the several other posts I added today!! Where did the time go!?!
Last Saturday Tim had to work, but the Wendover Air Show was on, so I drove the boys out to see it, and we had a great time, but it was hot... 90 degrees on the newly paved black top!!

I took a blanket and we had a little picnic while waiting for the planes to start flying!

They let the boys climb up on the wing and have their picture taken and Wyatt thought he was pretty cool!

Luke on the other hand thought it was a little high, and scratchy!

They sure liked seeing all of the big planes... Wyatt tried to help out and chain some of them down like he does to help Daddy when they fly!

The fixed wing Life Flight was there and we did get to go inside and see... very neet, and Wyatt even understood a little, because the day before we saw the helicopter up by our house at an accident.

We did end up going to the fair on the second to last night... we went with my cousin Brad and his wife Sara... lots of fun for the kids!!


Wyatt, Sara, and Luke!

On August 8th we did the ULCR down in Utah County... 60 miles... this is half way, and we went strong.... next ride should be 100 miles!
We rode with friends from Tim's work, Patty, Justin, Me and Tim.

While at the cabin over Labor Day Wyatt rode bikes with his cousins, all of which are on 2 wheels, and he came to Tim one evening and told him his bike was "weird". He took him out and pointed at his training wheels, so we took them off and he has been a 2 wheeler ever since.

So a couple nights ago he told me he wanted to go on a ride like Mommy and Daddy do, so I loaded up the bikes, and we went over to a park with a paved walkway, and road... 2.5 miles in 30 minutes, and about 15 stops to have a drink.... He is doing awesome!Luke wants to be just like brother every day!!
I finished my "I Spy" quilt... I thought it turned out great! Finally, Wyatt started Pre-school this year, he goes with about 10 other kids his same age on Tuesdays, and Thursdays and he loves it. He has a spider man "pack-pack" and a pencil box full of fun things! This is their first field trip to the farm... Wyatt is on the far right with Mrs. Kellie his teacher!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your summer looked like a blast!! I love the quilt you did. Awesome with the bike ride!!! I know Mike wishes he could be riding with you guys